Bad Math
I decided it's about time to start up my own blog. One thing that I've noticed in my time browsing the blogosphere is that
there are a whole lot of terrific science blogs out there: Orac,
Pharyngula, Aetiology, just to name a few. But there's not nearly so much out there dedicated to math - and in particular to the misuse of math.
I think that that's a damn shame, because in my experience, one of the most clear ways of identifying a crackpot
is through math. No matter the specific subject, the crackpots always either avoid or screw up the math. Whether
it's the "mercuy causes autism" folks, the Velikovskians, creationists, alt-medicine quacks, republican pollsters, or
scientologists - you can always recognize the crackpots by their math.
So I'm going to do my best to provide a voice of mathematical sanity - both by showing what's wrong with the bad math slop pumped out by the loonies, and by showing how good math works.
there are a whole lot of terrific science blogs out there: Orac,
Pharyngula, Aetiology, just to name a few. But there's not nearly so much out there dedicated to math - and in particular to the misuse of math.
I think that that's a damn shame, because in my experience, one of the most clear ways of identifying a crackpot
is through math. No matter the specific subject, the crackpots always either avoid or screw up the math. Whether
it's the "mercuy causes autism" folks, the Velikovskians, creationists, alt-medicine quacks, republican pollsters, or
scientologists - you can always recognize the crackpots by their math.
So I'm going to do my best to provide a voice of mathematical sanity - both by showing what's wrong with the bad math slop pumped out by the loonies, and by showing how good math works.
Welcome, Mark! We certainly need someone with your expertise to combat the misuse of math and statistics in pseudoscience circles.
Just wait, I'm sure Orac will hit you up to host a Skeptics' Circle before long. I'm up for March 30.
Welcome and stay in touch!
Abel Pharmboy, at 8:28 AM
Good stuff! I don't know nearly as much about stats as I should (pure maths all the way). It'll be good to have it all filtered through the brain of someone who knows what they're talking about :)
Lifewish, at 9:56 AM
Cool, welcome!
Anonymous, at 11:01 AM
Hi, Mark. I usually avoid or screw up math, and some people think I'm a crackpot. But I think your blog will be very useful to a math-challenged person like me. Thanks for starting it up.
Anne, at 1:27 PM
Great concept for a blog and much needed. The only statement I have an issue with is "republican pollsters" being crackpots; they aren't alone. I think that MANY pollsters, Republican, Democrat, etc. tend to mold the polls to obtain the results they hope to achieve.
Anonymous, at 5:31 PM
Good news! First we had the Bad Astronomer, now we have the Bad Mathematician! I think your approach will be a valuable addition to fighting the woo-woo crowd.
Anonymous, at 11:45 AM
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